Specialist bat skills training since 2008

Specialist bat skills training since 2008

Introductory and Advanced Bat Data Analysis Using R

This three day course will incorporate the Eco-explore one-day “Introduction to Bat Data analysis Using R” course followed by a two day course covering more advanced statistical analysis methods suitable. Bookings can be made for day 1* or days 2 and 3 or for all 3 days as required. 

The collection of large volumes of bat activity data enabled by the deployment of static/automated detectors has provided professional ecologists with new vast quantities of bat data. Statistical analysis of such data sets is essential where handling large volumes of data to extract robust meaning from survey results (Bat Conservation Trust, 2016). Such analysis can increase confidence in conclusions and provide insight into spatial and temporal trends in species composition and activity levels.

Day 1

Introduce attendee’s to the R statistical computing language (Downloading R and Rstudio)

BCT recommended non-parametric data analysis techniques; Mann- Whitney U test, Wilcoxon’s signed rank test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Jonckheere-Terprstra test.

Day 2

Appropriate study design and sampling methods.

General Linear Models (GLMs) for count data and GLMs for binomial data.

Generalised Linear Mixed Models (GLMM).

A workshop session with attendee data.

Day 3

Modelling wiggly lines with Generalised Additive Models (GAM) and General Additive Mixed Models (GAMM).

General Estimating Equations for modelling bat data and implementing the WC1060 DEFRA monitoring methods in R

Spatial statistics and mapping session

* Bookings for day 1 as a standalone course may be made available later if there are places available as we want to prioritise bookings for those wishing to attend the advanced course.



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